Free and Open to the Public
Saturday, October 5, 2019
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Grand Ballroom, Trinidad Hilton and Conference Centre
The Housing Exposition will feature dozens of booths ranging from how to access housing in the public and private markets, mortgages for house and land transactions, to finding the right real estate agent and contractor, utilising sustainable construction practices, greening your homes with eco-friendly products, safety and security systems for your property and functional design elements for your home.
- Ministry of Housing and Urban Development
- Trinidad and Tobago Housing Development Corporation
- Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance
- Land Settlement Agency
- Ministry of Public Utilities
- Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA)
- Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC)
- Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries
- Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs
- Ministry of Planning and Development
- Ministry of Social Development and Family Services
- Habitat for Humanity
- Various real estate agents
- Various contractors
- Various financial institutions
- Various building resources
The Housing 101 Expo will feature a series of Home-Talks on the following topics:
- 11:00 am- Housing and disabilities– Panel Discussion
- 12:00 pm- The Automation of the Construction Permitting System– Ms Jayne Rattansingh, Town and Country Planning Division, Ministry of Planning and Development
- 1:00 pm- How to become a homeowner by age 30– TTMF
- 2:00pm- How to build a starter home for less than $150,000– Mr Satchidanand Bassaw, Land Settlement Agency
- 3:00pm- How to be energy efficient in homes to save costs and contribute to environmental sustainability– Mr Ronaldo Jaleel Muhammed; Environmental Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of Planning and Development
- 4:00pm- How to go about choosing a home on the open market – Mrs Cynthia Amstrong, CNK Realtors
These talks are approximately 30 minutes long and are available on a first come, first served basis. The times above serve as guides, however the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development reserves the right to adjust the times if deemed necessary for the over-all success of the Expo.
Want to be an Exhibitor?
If you are interested in becoming an exhibitor, please email us at ttministryofhousingandurbandev@gmail.com by no later than Wednesday 25 September, 2019. Space is limited.